Thursday, March 26, 2009

Looking Back

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Today when I looked back in the mirror to check on Nathan, a thought hit me, no regrets. Looking back and seeing my son sound asleep is an awesome blessing and he just makes everything worthwhile. He looked so peaceful and precious. How many times do we look back on things and how many of those times are we actually awe struck? Have you looked in your rear view mirror lately? Can you look back without regrets?

Hello Mr. Garbage Man

So as usual I almost missed the trash pick up today. I know that if I can hear the truck and cans they just passed my house. So when I heard them this morning bright and early I grabbed Nathan and flew out the door. We grabbed our cans and one by one took them across the street for the truck to pick up after the turn around. So while this is more than you probably cared to hear about our trash, it was all very entertaining for Nathan. He especially liked when they waved back at him and all the loud sounds! Just another morning for the two of us!
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Good Morning!

One of my favorite things is waking up with Nathan each morning. This little guy knows how to welcome a new day! He is so silly and talkative. Did I tell you, he's my favorite person in the world!
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Monday, March 23, 2009

Rubber Ducky . . .

Ernie has nothing on Nathan when it comes to his yellow rubber ducky and bath time. Only that mommy can't remember all the words to the song. I just couldn't pass up this moment!
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Saturday, March 21, 2009

A fan of Tahoe Joe's . . .

Just like Mommy! Nathan loves their huge baked potatoes about as much as his Auntie Renee.
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Friday, March 20, 2009

Nathan's walking into Spring

Well, kinda. I've been waiting for sun for a long time and as Nathan loves outside it is so much fun! Happy first day of Spring!
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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring, are you here yet?

Nathan and I are taking advantage of the sun and looking forward to the first day of spring tomorrow!
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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Nathan and Grandpa

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Nathan's new ride

Look who's cruisin' now! Since both my mom's back and my back are thrown out from "walking" Nathan everywhere I decided to get him his own ride. So watch your heels because here he comes. Beep beep!
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Friday, March 13, 2009

Any arguments? . . . Just Kidding

I absolutely love hanging out with my son! He has the best laugh and smile. He deserves nothing but the best.
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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Guess who made a mess . . .

That Mommy had to clean up! Making coffee with Nathan in arms is not like it used to be. This time he grabbed the coffee bag and as I was taking that away he grabbed the filter and dumped it in the coffee maker! So no, that's not pepper in my teeth, it's coffee grounds. Good Morning!
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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Jeremiah 29:11

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God is good! Each day i try to listen for the words that I know he is speaking to me. There is never a doubt in my mind that our Lord is talking to me, I just try my best to not overlook those moments or talk over his words. Scripture has been my refuge.

Several times now Jer 29:11 has come into my day and I know that the Lord is speaking to me.
"I know the plans I have for you,"declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Nathan is chewing my bracelet with this scripture engraved on it. He is literally consuming God's word!

8 Months!

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Nathan turned 8 months old this month! Where has the time gone? He has experienced so many firsts and I am so lucky to be a part of them all.

has 2 teeth on the bottom!
takes steps using his walker (and mommy)
attempts to pull himself up on the coffee table and couch
has slept in past 8 two mornings in a row!
says Mama, nana, and lala
loves strawberry applesauce
takes showers with mommy (has outgrown his tubby)
snuck a taste of whipped cream off mommy's birthday cake
loves to play (hit) his doggy Joey

Big Boy

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The other day my heart skipped a beat as I saw Nathan grab onto the coffee table and try to lift himself up! He doesn't crawl yet, but he is very into standing. He is growing and changing so much everyday. Is is selfish to want hi to stay little?

Happy 26th to Me

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This birthday was a little bitter sweet. It was difficult to endure considering the circumstances and on the other hand it was my first birthday with my son. I feel robbed of the emotions I should have been feeling that day, but I get some relief in the thought of how many more Nathan and I will celebrate together. The day was a reminder of how much the two of us are loved and Love was by far my greatest gift of all.

A Blessing

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All of those who love Nathan and I know the struggle we are going through. I get some relief in the thought that Nathan is too young to comprehend what is happening. I would be kidding myself to suggest that he feels nothing at all, but hopefully I am doing a good enough job of shielding him from negative feelings and emotions. Children are so curious and sensitive. They pick up on so many things and they always seem to know more than adults figure they do.

Nathan is such a blessing. Daily I look at his beautiful face. Those chubby cheeks, pouty lips, big brown eyes and gorgeous eyelashes. I am in AWE. He is my blessing. I know that he counts on me and I fill fulfilled in knowing that I am doing my nest for Him.

Grocery Shopping

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Nathan is riding in shopping carts now! I can't believe how fast he is growing. The gentleman in the produce section gave Nathan a slice of a sweet apple and he just loved it! He didn't chew at the time with teeth, but he sure sucked the juice out. Thankfully we had extra slices and were able to put an end to the meltdown that began when it dropped on the floor!
I loved watching Nathan;s face as he worked on that apple. I wish i could remember my first taste of things. His excitement for the little things is so refreshing to watch. Nathan is a constant reminder of what matters in life and how to enjoy the little things. He is a miracle and I am so blessed by him daily! We were meant for each other.