Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Another Last

It is the eve of my son’s first birthday. I can’t believe that he is going to be a year old. At this time exactly last year I was walking laps around the hospital floor at Clovis Community trying to move the laboring process along. I just knew that Nathan was ready to come, and he was. Where has all the time gone?

As I sit here writing this post tears fill my eyes as I reflect back on this past year of Nathan’s life, his only year of life so far. How much he has changed, how much he has grown, and how much he has meant to me. He doesn’t even yet know what he and I have been through this past year and that just like me, he is a survivor.

There have been many firsts, some lasts, some ups, some downs, some scares and some surprises, but the best part is that we did them ALL together. There were many sleepless nights, nights of marathon nursing, nights of fevers, cool baths and doses of Tylenol. There were MANY poops and pees . . . most of them in the diaper! Countless nighttime baths, bedtime stories, songs made up by mommy and too many dances to count. Rushed trips to the doctor, visits to the hospital for fevers, and some nights that I stayed up the whole night watching him sleep.

I gave him his first bath at home, heard his first word, saw his first smile, heard his first laugh, witnessed his first time rolling over, gave him his first bite of baby food, took him on his first plane ride, watched his first attempt to crawl, showed him his first bubbles, saw the first time his lip folded over, soothed his first ouchi, and watched him take that first step. These are things that I have been so blessed to witness and nobody would have been worth missing one of them.

As there have been many firsts there have also been some lasts. Like his last time in the baby tub, his last time in size 1 and 2 diapers, his last attempt at a bottle, the last time I held him before he discovered crawling, and the last time he slept under the same roof with mom and dad. Isn’t it funny how many times we never know these times are going to be that “last time” it sort of just creeps up on us and then that moment passes.

I have been so blessed by the wonderful personality of my son. His laugh is contagious and he is the most loving little boy I have ever seen. Not a day goes by that it doesn’t begin with his kisses and hugs and end the same way. I have treasured for a whole year every tiny perfection of his, and I say perfection, not imperfection because he is the most perfect and precious being. So as I tucked him into bed tonight after nursing, singing him a song and giving him tickles (mommy’s favorite too) I told him how much I loved him . . . again.

So, before midnight creeps up on me I better go climb into bed next to my son for the last time before he is a year old. Here’s to Nathan’s first year of life, my first year of mommyhood, and to so many more together. Goodnight.

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