Today Nathan is 17 months old! I can not believe it. He has grown and changed so much. He is growing into an amazing, funny, silly, daring and LOVING little boy.
As of today he:
Says mama, dada, grandpa, no, yeah, thank you, please or pease, JOJO (his dog Joey), dog, more, bite, happy, and day and the words just keep on coming!
He loves chocolate milk and will sneak a bite of chocolate chip cookies whenever he can.
He spends time with his little buddies Aiden, Hunter and Cameron (all four boys are 1YEAR OLD!) and let's not forget Mia and Lily!
He is much loved and adored by all who know him. I am so blessed and humbled by him each day. I am thankful the Lord made us strong, grateful and gave us each other.
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