Monday, December 7, 2009

Play & Relax

Today the weather was freezing cold and rainy. It was a perfect day to stay inside curled up with blankies and hot cocoa or coffees little coffee baileys. So after a few hours at work that's exactly what Nathan and I did.

Of course playtime is essential so we played with cars, trains and planes! It was a great night at Home.

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Christmas at HOME...

Nathan has been mommy's little helper... Decorating the trees, making his own ornaments, approving the lights (big deal for him) and making this season so much fun!

Shhh... I even gave in and yes, there is an 8 foot inflatable Christmas Thomas the train in our yard!

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

17 Months!

Today Nathan is 17 months old! I can not believe it. He has grown and changed so much. He is growing into an amazing, funny, silly, daring and LOVING little boy.

As of today he:

Says mama, dada, grandpa, no, yeah, thank you, please or pease, JOJO (his dog Joey), dog, more, bite, happy, and day and the words just keep on coming!

He loves chocolate milk and will sneak a bite of chocolate chip cookies whenever he can.

He spends time with his little buddies Aiden, Hunter and Cameron (all four boys are 1YEAR OLD!) and let's not forget Mia and Lily!

He is much loved and adored by all who know him. I am so blessed and humbled by him each day. I am thankful the Lord made us strong, grateful and gave us each other.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


One of the things in life that I think is most important that I hope to pass on to my son is that true friends are hard to find, it's work to have them, work to be one... But it's so worth it.
I love that Nathan is growing up with boys his very own age. Cameron, Hunter, & Aiden we love you boys!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tub time fun...

Somebody likes looking at themselves in mirrors... If you looked like this wouldn't you???

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Happy Halloween

Nathan was the perfect little greaser for Halloween and he complimented his mommy just right. We make the perfect team! He had lots of family and friends wanting to see him, So here he is....

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Saturday, October 24, 2009


Nathers wanted to participate in the house painting too so his job was to create artwork for his playroom. He loves "fingerpainting" but he hates it when it gets all over his fingers!!! Go figure!!!

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Trip to Lowes

Nathan can ALWAYS find something to do at Lowes! Here he is keeping busy while we wait for our paint to be mixed!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Us in the City

We just got back from a quick trip to San Francisco. It was fun riding cable cars, visiting he wharf, the museum of science, and of course sharing a sundae at Ghirradelli! Nathan is absolutely my favorite person in the entire world!!!!

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Nathan loves his doggie Joey and the feeling is just about mutual. Joey loves the treats, hugs and kisses from his brother ... But he could do without the pouncing, pulling and pinching!

Joey is awesome with Nathan though and I couldn't ask for a better dog for Nathan ... He does love puppies though... Stay tuned to see if we add to our family any time soon!

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Where's The Time Going?

My little guy is growing and changing so fast everyday! I still remember the smell of our home when we brought him home from the hospital. It smelled of baby powder and johnsons baby shampoo. It was all so new... He was so new.

His room was all ready for him, it was perfect (even though it was just for looks :)) I can't believe he's finally playing in it...

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Avila Valley Barn

Nathan had such a good time during his trip to the barn. He LOVED the animals and feeding them. I did have to let go a little and let him be the boy he is and explore.

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Winetasting in SLO

Getting our boys together is always so fun! How blessed we are to have such amazing family and friends to spend our days with and create so many fun memories.

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

So although this is Nathan's second independence day, he was only two days old last year, this year was a little different for him. Last year I was a little worried, ok a lot worried, about germs, smoke, and especially the very loud noises. But this year Nathan jumped right in. He took a dip in the pool, ate watermelon and macaroni salad and enjoyed the fireworks with his neighborhood friends. It was a great 4th!

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Another Last

It is the eve of my son’s first birthday. I can’t believe that he is going to be a year old. At this time exactly last year I was walking laps around the hospital floor at Clovis Community trying to move the laboring process along. I just knew that Nathan was ready to come, and he was. Where has all the time gone?

As I sit here writing this post tears fill my eyes as I reflect back on this past year of Nathan’s life, his only year of life so far. How much he has changed, how much he has grown, and how much he has meant to me. He doesn’t even yet know what he and I have been through this past year and that just like me, he is a survivor.

There have been many firsts, some lasts, some ups, some downs, some scares and some surprises, but the best part is that we did them ALL together. There were many sleepless nights, nights of marathon nursing, nights of fevers, cool baths and doses of Tylenol. There were MANY poops and pees . . . most of them in the diaper! Countless nighttime baths, bedtime stories, songs made up by mommy and too many dances to count. Rushed trips to the doctor, visits to the hospital for fevers, and some nights that I stayed up the whole night watching him sleep.

I gave him his first bath at home, heard his first word, saw his first smile, heard his first laugh, witnessed his first time rolling over, gave him his first bite of baby food, took him on his first plane ride, watched his first attempt to crawl, showed him his first bubbles, saw the first time his lip folded over, soothed his first ouchi, and watched him take that first step. These are things that I have been so blessed to witness and nobody would have been worth missing one of them.

As there have been many firsts there have also been some lasts. Like his last time in the baby tub, his last time in size 1 and 2 diapers, his last attempt at a bottle, the last time I held him before he discovered crawling, and the last time he slept under the same roof with mom and dad. Isn’t it funny how many times we never know these times are going to be that “last time” it sort of just creeps up on us and then that moment passes.

I have been so blessed by the wonderful personality of my son. His laugh is contagious and he is the most loving little boy I have ever seen. Not a day goes by that it doesn’t begin with his kisses and hugs and end the same way. I have treasured for a whole year every tiny perfection of his, and I say perfection, not imperfection because he is the most perfect and precious being. So as I tucked him into bed tonight after nursing, singing him a song and giving him tickles (mommy’s favorite too) I told him how much I loved him . . . again.

So, before midnight creeps up on me I better go climb into bed next to my son for the last time before he is a year old. Here’s to Nathan’s first year of life, my first year of mommyhood, and to so many more together. Goodnight.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Silly boy!

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Friday, June 12, 2009


Nothing like a starbucks run . . . Its organic apple juice for Nathan . . . On the rocks of course.
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Saying Goodbye

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Do these frames work for us?

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Cruisin' in NorCal

Recently we visited Nathan's Grandpa Eddie and Grandma Anna in Vacaville. We had a great time and Nathan gave his grandparents a workout for sure! He walked them everywhere and every which way. And he never heard that two letter word all weekend . . . You know "NO"
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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Torture or fun?

Can anyone guess why Joey was hiding from Nathan? What an awesome dog Joey is! He loves his baby brother Nathan and keeps coming back for more.
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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

11 Months!!!

Today Nathan is 11 months!!! I can't believe how big my little baby boy is getting! I can't believe how much joy he brings me and how blessed I have been to have him. Not many parents can say that they have spent so much of their child's life together with them physically, but I can. How lucky am I???

Nathan now:
Crawls on his knees . . . goodbye army crawl
Follows his Doggy Joey EVERYWHERE
Tells his Doggy Joey to "Get"
Walks holding on to ANYTHING he can grasp
Gets into the kitchen cabinets and drawers
Crawls into the shower
Now likes to swing on the swings
Goes under water at swim lessons . . . and no more coughing up water!!!
Can point to his hair when asked where it is, we're now working on eyes
Puts the telephone up to his ear . . . well neck
Gives kisses when asked . . . and when not!!!
Bobs his head side to side when he hears music
Laughs uncontrollably at times
Is working on throwing a ball, we just need to get down the whole letting go thing
Knocks on doors, walls, his head and mine!
Eats EVERYTHING, but a whole lot of good food of course
Makes the "m", "d", "l", "b" and and "g" sound

Happy 11 Month Birthday Nather's, Mommy Loves YOU!!!

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Partners in Crime

It was too cute to stop them.
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Hunter's 1st Birthday

I'm having soooo much fun! Rides, pizza, cake . . . Let's do it again Mom!
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Friday, May 22, 2009

New SLO memories

We just had a great time in San Luis Obispo, our home away from home! We walked the farmers market and met up with some of our best friends. Kristin, Travis, Courtney, Ken and Cameron. We ate at Firestone while the Lakers played . . . It was so loud, but great. Great friends are hard to come by and so we treasure the ones we have and don't take them for granted. Until next time SLO!
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Take that ball!

So Nathan and I have been getting into somewhat of a routine, or at least trying to. After swim lessons we come home where we snuggle, cuddle and nurse before I put him down to take a nap. So far it has been going really good and he is getting some much needed rest. Since he is cooled from the pool and freshly changed I lay him down just as is, so that is where his no pants comes in to play. Yes, it's our first diaper picture . . . in a long time! But he is waking up refreshed and feeling good! Here he is fresh from his nap and already on the go! Watch out living room and hide Joey, here comes Nathan!
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Silly Nathers!

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Monday, May 18, 2009

Balls and Bubbles

Playtime is always SO fun with Nathan. He is always exploring which is a nice way of saying "getting into everything." It is so much more fun than I ever expected it to be! He is saying the B sound so were emphasizing things that begin with B . . . Like balls and bubbles. Thinking of you Hunter!
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Sunday, May 17, 2009

At the park with Mommy

A few days ago we went to the park with our neighbors. It was three of us moms and six kids . . . 2 five year olds, 1 two year old, 1 one and a half year old and my Nathers 10 months old. We had a busy but fun time. My hat goes off the parents that stick it out with more than one kid! Whew! Amazing moms by the way.
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Fun in the sun with best friends

We found a way to escape the hundred degree heat with the boys . . . and they loved it! It was so nice to spend time with Renee and Hunter. We reminisced about our college days together and our new achievements and defeats of Mommyhood. It was great to have such great friends around.
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

And we're NOT!

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We're walking. . .

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And we're walking . . .

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Sunday, May 10, 2009


Even with just the two of us we can make it in from the grocery store with only one trip from the car. We make a great team, thanks little partner.
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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Does he look guilty enough?

Taken minutes after breaking a mug at starbucks. Lesson learned . . . Move quicker mommy.
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Brushing our teeth!

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Its cinco de mayo!

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday Morning Cartoons

What ever happened to My Little Pony and HeMan? They were my favorites. Now with all the different channels dedicated to just cartoons the options are limitless.
Nathan's favorite is Handy Manny on Disney. He loves when they sing songs and claps along. I like the Spanish in there too!
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Nathan absolutely LOVES straws! He makes the funniest faces and he knows it because everyone cracks up. He is such a silly little boy! Here his Auntie Liz is giving him some water to wash down his mashed potatoes at Chili's!
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