Monday, May 18, 2009

Balls and Bubbles

Playtime is always SO fun with Nathan. He is always exploring which is a nice way of saying "getting into everything." It is so much more fun than I ever expected it to be! He is saying the B sound so were emphasizing things that begin with B . . . Like balls and bubbles. Thinking of you Hunter!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Wish we were there to play. Hunter and I had an awesome weekend of fun....watching the boys play in the pool will forever be a special memory to me! XO

  2. Emily blows bubbles with her mouth! I guess that's no the same huh? :) Love and miss you both! Tia Mona

  3. Nathan is just growing too fast. I enjoy what little time I spent with him and you Ericka.
    He will be saying words in not time. You are an excellent mommy. See you soon.
    Love, Greatgrandma Delfa

  4. It looks like Nathan is really enjoying himself. Wish I could spend more time with him. Life is so busy but we musn't let that be and obstacle in our getting together.
    Love, Greatgrandma, Delfa
