Monday, March 23, 2009

Rubber Ducky . . .

Ernie has nothing on Nathan when it comes to his yellow rubber ducky and bath time. Only that mommy can't remember all the words to the song. I just couldn't pass up this moment!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Here you Cousin Emily and Tia Mona

    Rubber Ducky
    Rubber Ducky, you're the one,
    You make bathtime lots of fun,
    Rubber Ducky, I'm awfully fond of you;

    Rubber Ducky, joy of joys,
    When I squeeze you, you make noise!
    Rubber Ducky, you're my very best friend, it's true!

    Every day when I
    Make my to the tubby
    I find a little fella who's
    Cute and yellow and chubby
    Rubber Ducky, you're so fine
    And I'm lucky that you're mine
    Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of you.

    Rubber Ducky, you're so fine
    And I'm lucky that you're mine
    Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of -
    Rubber ducky, I'd like a whole pond of -
    Rubber ducky I'm of -
    Rubber ducky I'm awfully fond of you!

  2. Thanks Mona and Emily!!! I'm printing this out and we'll try it tomorrow morning! Love you!

  3. Hi Ericka and Nathan,
    That smile looks like he's up to something. Mijo is so handsome!Love the bubbles. Hope all is going well. I know you're very busy. Hugs and kisses to both of you. Hope to see you soon. Let us know when you have some time.
    Grandma Nancy
