Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rainy Days

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Hello Family and Friends! Just a quick little post to say that we are in fact still here. In the midst of these storms the sun broke out the other day and it was a perfect opportunity to take Nathan to the little toddler park right in our subdivision. It was a great time and a bittersweet moment. When we purchased our home, we were pregnant as you all know, and when we saw the park we thought it would be perfect for our son one day when he was big enough to play in it.

I took Nathan by it numerous times only to discover that he was still to young to enjoy the playset and we would take a look and then head home. However, this time it was different...

Nathan stood before it open mouthed and gasping! He was so excited to set his eyes upon the small littel set. It brought the biggest smile to my face. And although there was water on it he just couldn't wait to set his little feet upon it. He climbed, jumped, slid, slipped, and crawled all over. In the picture above he is blowing the water away so he and I can play... love my little man.


  1. Hi Ericka and Nathan,

    So happy to see that smile! The story you tell makes me feel like I'm right ther sitting in a swing watching. So glad you both had a great time.
    Love you both,
    Grandma Nancy

  2. oh my god, your son is adorable :)
